Saturday, November 1, 2008

Admission to School

It is most helpful for advance planning if we know how many children will be starting school each year. For this reason, if you have any young children and wish them to
attend Edgar Sewter Primary, or the Nursery, please contact the school. All children for the Nursery will be put on our Admittance Register, no matter how young. Every effort is made to ensure a smooth progression from home/Nursery to school. The parents have a meeting with the Reception class teachers, and the children have a series of classroom visits prior to their admission.
The Nursery children participate in the life of the school and use school facilities for some of their activities.
Parents of young children transferring form another school are encouraged to visit the school for a pre-transfer welcoming visit.
Children are admitted to the school (not Nursery) as follows:
1. In September if they become 5 on, or before, 31st December.
2. In January if they become 5 on, or before, 30th April.
3. After Easter if they become 5 on, or before, 31st August.
Any variation to this timetable needs the personal approval of the Area Education Manager.

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